Eat, Sleep, Bank Holiday Monday, Repeat
In addition to the usual two Bank Holidays, thanks to the King’s Coronation, we find ourselves with another one to enjoy this May. As an employee this is most definitely something to look forward to, but if you’re a business owner, you could be left with the headache of trying to manage the additional down time and the effects it may have on your service delivery.
You may have seen recently the results of the world’s biggest trial of the four-day working week. For six months, workers at more than 60 companies cut their ‘normal’ working week short by a day, with the same rate of pay and the same expected deliverables – and the results were extremely positive. The majority of those involved reported productivity levels had been maintained whilst staff retention and well-being had actually improved, with a 65% reduction in sick days. Of the 61 companies that took part, 18 have decided to make the change permanently and others are extending the trial. If you were being offered 100% of your pay for working 80% of your hours in exchange for your commitment to maintain 100% productivity, it would be a commitment you’d be willing to make, wouldn’t it?
The traditional nine-to-five, five-day working week seems archaic, as the past few years forced the flexible shift to a much less formal approach, with 80% of companies now offering a flexible arrangement. Of course, there are always two sides to the story and a four-day week wouldn’t work for everyone, but the fact people are being offered more control than ever in terms of work/life balance is refreshing.
We are fortunate at Brouha to be able to enjoy that flexibility with a ‘we can work from wherever, whenever’ approach, as we’re all committed to getting the job done on behalf of our customers. Sometimes that means going over and above, doing more hours than the 9 to 5, and sometimes we can enjoy a sneaky horse ride or go to our child’s sport’s day. As long as we continue to deliver what our clients want and need, that’s what matters.