School’s out for summer

A flexible approach to working to ensure a happy work life balance, has always been an important part of the Brouha ethos.  With the warmer months upon us, now is a popular time for annual leave.  This can sometimes disrupt workflow and when you add into the mix increased family responsibilities with children out of school - you might be starting to struggle.  But, being entrusted with the flexibility to adjust how and when you work, makes life a lot easier.

A recent piece in the UK’s leading business magazine Business Matters, stated that this year, more than six million people planned to ‘work from the beach’ where traditional holidays including sun, sea and relaxation, now included spreadsheets into the mix too. 

Additional research suggests that enthusiasm for remote working peaks during the summer months. Flexa, a global directory of flexible companies, found that job searches for “work from anywhere” opportunities increased by 86% in spring compared to winter.  But why is it being looked at as a seasonal thing?  Research also shows that organisations who adopt flexile working as a permanent cultural change are the ones that benefit most, as it just becomes a part of the norm and not some kind of strange existence for just part of the year. 

Of course, you could argue there are disadvantages to this too – there is obviously always two sides to any argument - as it may mean you do not get complete downtime like you would if your work didn’t travel with you and you could be distracted and not fully able to enjoy your holiday, but having that flexibility and that choice is what is the important factor, you can make the choice as to whether you take your work with you or not, the flexibility is key.

At Brouha, the way we make this way of working effective, is communication and planning.  Not just amongst the team, but also being open and honest with clients about where we are, any potential change in hours or the times when unavailable, ensuring the process remains effective.  It’s a cultural shift, not a seasonal one.  Wherever you are working from this summer, we hope it works for you. 


The September reset


The Long Age of Language